Mar 24, 2009

It Smells Like Tag Sale Season

It's already March 23rd, a day after my father's birthday, and the beginning of tag sale season in New England. I already see signs, though not in my own community. I'm already "on the ready" -- poised to take action and whip my car around to wherever the tag sale sign points. What am I looking for? Something. It doesn't matter. Maybe the Barbie doll I had wanted when I was a tot.

I hear Adele singing "Hometown Glory" and it makes me think of my town. Where are the treasures?

TAG SALE RULE: Plan your route on Friday night.
TAG SALE RULE: Bring dollar bills and coins.

1 comment:

gaby said...

Rule #1 Tell your husband you are going out for milk then sneak off to peek into others peoples junk/lives. HaHa!

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